by Portugalnuts | Jun 11, 2024 | News
O presidente da Portugal Nuts, Tiago Costa, é convidado das ESG Talks ‘Cultivar o futuro: inovação e sustentabilidade na agricultura’. O evento realiza-se no próximo dia 20 de junho e a entrada é gratuita, sujeita a inscrição. (link)
by Portugalnuts | May 16, 2024 | News
Já temos disponível o programa do III Congresso Portugal Nuts. Pode consultar o programa através do link.
by Portugalnuts | May 13, 2024 | Initiatives, News
“Abraçar o Futuro” é o tema central do III Congresso Portugal Nuts. Iremos ouvir falar de assuntos relevantes e atuais para o setor. O que somos, como preparar-nos para as alterações climáticas e para as disponibilidades de água. Perceber porque é...
by Portugalnuts | Jun 1, 2023 | News
The 2nd Portugal Nuts Congress was in the news! Follow the links below and find out everything that was said and written in the national press about it: Jornal de Negócios + Antena 1 (Minute 8:40") Sapo RTP Observador Greensavers Visão Dinheiro Vivo Jornal de Notícias...
by Portugalnuts | May 2, 2023 | News
The fourth and final panel of the 2nd Portugal Nuts Congress starts at noon with the topic "Dried fruit markets: national and international trends"! The speakers will be Bill Harp (Former President of the Almond Board USA), Tim Jackson (President of...
by Portugalnuts | Apr 27, 2023 | News
The dried fruit sector is one of the most innovative in agriculture. Technology and R&D go hand in hand with economic, social and environmental sustainability. In order to provide different perspectives on these issues, we invited Filipa Saldanha,...